
torsdag 19. april 2012

Do You Stack Up #68

Be sure to head over to Do You Stack Up and play with us for our new challenge - STRIPES. I chose to make kind of a fun card for this week! 

Here are our wonderful sponsors:

Here is my card (sentiment says: "For you"):

torsdag 5. april 2012

Do You Stack Up #66

Can you believe it! A few days ago I really believed that spring was near and what happend! I tell you what happend - about 50 centimenters of SNOW happend! At least I'm enjoying another challenge over at Do You Stack Up and I hope you will too! The theme this time is FRIENDLY CRITTERS! So - what are you waiting for - come play with us :)

Our fabulous sponsors for this week:

Here is my friendly critter card:

søndag 1. april 2012

NordSalten Hobbyklubb #51

Tenk, vi har nesten hatt litt påskevær i dag, sol og noen få kuldegrader, men litt kald vind. Da passer det jo perfekt med en påskeutfordring hos NordSalten Hobbyklubb. Du blir vel med? Temaet denne gangen er VINTAGE PÅSKE og det skal bli en fryd å titte rundt på alle de spennende prosjektene.

Vi har en flott sponsor denne gangen som har sponset en kjempeflott premie:
Her er mitt DT-Bidrag: